Thanks to Ontario Trillium Foundation we been carrying out the most significant youth program over the past 3 years. In 2014, youth attended 92 sessions of baseball and gym activities, participate in 4 basketball tournaments, 20 information sessions on topics range from education to gang prevention, health, employment, budgeting and financial management, skills development and leadership.
500 participants our “Thinking 4 change” a program designed for young girls aged 13-18 provided a safe environment were girls from different parts of the community came together to speak about issues that matters most to them. Young girls are taught skills such as positive and healthy relationship building, not only with boyfriends or girlfriends, but also with their parents, siblings and friends. The music program helped the youth learn how to make music through education and fun.
The approach we took to attract and restraint the maximum possible of the youth was to encourage the thinking of the struggles and successes in their life and to put it in to music. We also introduced different types of instruments they could use in their music. The result was the production of “My Way Party all Night”, a CD ROM of music composed by the youth within this initiative.
Other Free Services
Income Tax Clinic
Canadian Citizenship
Employment Insurance (EI)
Work Permits
Family Sponsorship
Various Other Government Forms
Social Services
Hospital & Doctor’s Clinic
Community Services
Employment Centre(s)
Schools, ESL, and LINC classes
Free Mattresses & Furniture Banks
Legal Services (Legal Aid Ontario)
Shelters, etc.
Social Assistance
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
Housing Program (TCH)
Access to Shelters
Human Rights
Job Search & Leads
Basic Resume Preparation
Cover Letter Preparation
Interaction within the community to assist with accessing various services for clients with languages barriers.
Various volunteer position available High School & College Student are Welcome.
Kid’s Summer Camp
Translation Bureau
Notarization Services

Main Office & Hours
1860 Wilson Ave, Suite 400, North York, ON
Monday – 9a.m.–5p.m.
Tuesday – 9a.m.–5p.m.
Wednesday – 9a.m.–5p.m.
Thursday – 9a.m.–5p.m.
Friday – 9a.m.–5p.m.
Saturday – Closed
Sunday – Closed
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