Notice to the public
2022 Refugee Sponsorship Program
It is almost time for our 2022 refugee sponsorship program. The same as in previous years, the draw system will be implemented in 2022.
While waiting from the Ministry of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada for the number of our 2022 spaces, we are asking everyone willing to sponsor their loved ones to fill out the attached Registration Form and drop it off in person at Northwood office starting February 02 and ending February 28, 2022 between 10am and 3pm on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS.
Click & Download: 2022-Registration-Form
The registration form contains the following information:
A) Information about the Co-sponsor in Canada
1) First and Last Name
2) Home Address
3) Email
4) Telephone Number
5) Relationship with the Refugee
B) Information about the individual or family to sponsor
1) First and Last Name
2) Country of Origin
3) Country Residence
4) Status in the Country of Residence
5) Size of the Family: (example: single person with no children = 1. A couple with 3 children, all under 22 and not married = 5)
*Please note if a person is married with children they cannot be listed as a Single person. If a person is a single parent, divorce papers or a death certificate will be needed. *
Additionally, before entering the draw the following information will be verified to ensure the eligibility of the co-sponsor.
1) Status in Canada, MUST BE a Permanent Resident or Canadian Citizen.
2) Income statements: CRA Notice of Assessment 2020 or T4 of 2021 or 2022.
3) Co-Sponsor must live within a 200KM radius within our office.
4) Co-Sponsor is responsible for Settlement Funds.
(Minimum Financial Support Calculator is used to calculate funds for Refugee/s based on Family Size & Ages.
5) Lastly, Co-Sponsor must be working full time & have the Minimum Necessary Income according to the size of the family unit.
Finally, please note that a co-sponsor can only sponsor one family or one individual.
Signed: The Sponsor Team of Northwood Neighbourhood Services.
Other Free Services
Income Tax Clinic
Canadian Citizenship
Employment Insurance (EI)
Work Permits
Family Sponsorship
Various Other Government Forms
Social Services
Hospital & Doctor’s Clinic
Community Services
Employment Centre(s)
Schools, ESL, and LINC classes
Free Mattresses & Furniture Banks
Legal Services (Legal Aid Ontario)
Shelters, etc.
Social Assistance
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
Housing Program (TCH)
Access to Shelters
Human Rights
Job Search & Leads
Basic Resume Preparation
Cover Letter Preparation
Interaction within the community to assist with accessing various services for clients with languages barriers.
Various volunteer position available High School & College Student are Welcome.
Kid’s Summer Camp
Translation Bureau
Notarization Services

Main Office & Hours
1860 Wilson Ave, Suite 400, North York, ON
Monday – 9a.m.–5p.m.
Tuesday – 9a.m.–5p.m.
Wednesday – 9a.m.–5p.m.
Thursday – 9a.m.–5p.m.
Friday – 9a.m.–5p.m.
Saturday – Closed
Sunday – Closed
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